Technology » Technology Program

Technology Program

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Our school is working to align our lessons to address the CSTA Computer Science Standards.  

Students and parents in the Hawaii Department of Education must agree to the Technology Responsible Use Guidelines (download file in the side bar) and complete the Technology Responsible Use Form (form below) and SLES Student Agreements prior to using any of the school's technology.


Students and parents must also fill out the Student Publication/Audio/Video Release Form to give permission to create or use media of the student's name, voice, likeness or images of student work in HIDOE school-related publications or digital media. This includes but is not limited to yearbook, honor roll, and memorable moments such as May Day, Fun Run, etc.  Teachers will also be using Seesaw as our parent communication tool this year. 


Students new to SLES must sign 4 technology forms: 

  1. Student Publication/Audio/Video Release Form (RS 16-1391)
  2. SLES Tech Agreements and Google Permission
  3. Technology Responsible Use Form (TRUF)
  4. Seesaw Permission and Publication Release